CHSRA High Speed Rail Project
The California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) is pioneering the nation's first high-speed rail system, connecting California's mega-regions. This system will eventually expand to Sacramento and San Diego, spanning 800 miles with up to 24 stations. The Authority is also collaborating on a statewide rail modernization plan, investing billions in regional rail lines. For the Merced to Madera segment (34 miles), ADVANTEC Consulting Engineers, Inc. (ADVANTEC) supported Stantec by providing geometric approval drawings, for 2 locations, and 4 Project Reports for 7 locations. ADVANTEC led the Caltrans Task force and two Caltrans PDT meetings per month. Coordination with CHSRA and Caltrans Districts 6 and 10 along with other disciplines of the Stantec Team helped to deliver Draft and then Final Project Reports. Additionally, the scope included GADs for two locations, DIB78 Checklists, Traffic Operations Analysis Reports (TOARs) for 5 locations. In addition, prepare TOAR for two interchanges and 12 access points along SR 152, and Intersection Control Evaluation (ICE/ISOAPs) for four intersections in two interchanges. CHSRA has added Final traffic and roadway Design (PS&E) for four Caltrans Interchange and one Overcrossing locations. All 4 PRs have been submitted and two are close to approval. All the TOARs and ICE/ISOAPs have been concurred by Caltrans. ADVANTEC has been asked to provide Final Design (PS&E) for roadway and traffic items from 60% to Final (100% PS&E) Design.