On-Call Traffic Engineering Services - Corona
ADVANTEC was responsible for providing traffic engineering and public works services for the preparation of plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) and providing construction support for the City’s Solar Powered Overhead Pedestrian Beacons/High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) Signal Systems Design Project. The project improvements included the removal of existing in-pavement lighting systems that consisted of in-pavement lighting studs and cables, poles, solar panels, pedestrian push buttons, and signs. The existing system was replaced with a new High-Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK) signal system, also known as a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon Signal, which included but not limited to, three section signal heads that would be mounted on new traffic signal mast arms and traffic signal poles with new foundations. The three section signal head backplates were designed with yellow retroreflective borders. The HAWK signal controllers were installed in NEMA rated pole mounted cabinets including the batteries for the solar panel system. The HAWK systems also included accessible pedestrian signal (APS) systems, pedestrian countdown signal heads, overhead and roadside signage, conduit, conductors, and pull boxes. Additionally, signing and striping improvements were designed in AutoCAD and provided to the City of Corona to include in their roadway design PS&E package. The signing and striping included high-visibility crosswalks, limit lines, “yield to pedestrian” signage, and advance warning pavement markings and signage. The improvements for this project also included removal of existing and construction of new ADA compliant pedestrian ramps with reconstruction of sidewalk, curb and gutter, AC pavement and other work due to the new pedestrian ramps.
ADVANTEC was responsible for the following scope of services:
1) Project management, coordination and meetings
2) Data collection and field review
3) Design Plans
4) Technical Specifications
5) Engineering estimates
6) Construction Support
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